Friday, January 7, 2011

1 Mb Cell Phone Internet

Good morning ...... and I did struffoli information!

I was seeing very little lately, and 'from August to work as a carer at the home of my mother-in-law, this takes away much time and energy, but my blog and' always in my heart, because 'here' part of my life I espimere

these are my in-laws
young, he 's gone in early September after a month I was there' and now I do that to her company and 'Left alone, I'll do the shopping and trying to lighten the house to keep her from going back and forth, taking her things needed ...... helping, and making friends, in the days that I am' at home but 'at least the struffoli I needed to do this and 'a picture that already' had, and the recent 'header, the recipe and' simple

half a kilo of flour 100 grams sugar 70 grams butter

4 eggs pinch of salt grated lemon

I grated a '
orange liqueur, anise I put a tangerine liqueur that I had done at home
to the fountain and put all ingredients in the center work quickly, then do so many sausages that will be cut and then made small fry in medium hot oil to prevent burning after
make a syrup with 250 grams of honey
gently melt sugar in a pot large and when the froth will disappear over, remove from heat, pour the struffoli golden mix and then put on trays giving you the forms you want, with devils filled
candied cherries and candied fruit strips are so ... 'well at least in the south they appreciate, especially in Naples


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