Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cabo Bars For Singles

burqa, hijab, niqab, chador

Photos from www.flickr.com


The expected findings of the study committee
The invitation only exercises and offices public. The penalty: the refusal of service
France to ban the burqa
"offend national values"

The law will probably be discussed after the regional elections of March
The debate divides politicians. Sarkozy: "The full veil is not welcome"

PARIS - France is to ban the burqa and the niqab in public places. The study commission established by the French Parliament has in fact recommended that the Islamic veil that covers the entire face of women is prohibited in all schools, hospitals, public transport and in government offices. The burqa is the conclusion of the report, offends the national values \u200b\u200bof France.

First, a bit 'order.

L ' hija b: the veil is simple, that only covers the hair to speak. What you see on buses or to the banks of the fruit market. Standard and, on occasion, wore skimpy clothes featured in girls less traditional.

The Niqab : leaves only the eyes uncovered. But not necessarily down to his feet. The

Chador : is the traditional Iranian dress, used by women to appear in public. It 'a collection of hijab (veil) and cape is long and wide it hides everything. It can also play a part in more that leaves only the eyes uncovered, but not necessarily. The important thing is that it is a very large and long dresses. The

Burka : the full coverage. Only some crack for the eyes.

Now. France does not want to ban the veil, but the burka. That is, that head that makes women of ghosts.

read anything on Iran and interested in the topic, including in relation to the condition of immigrants on a permanent basis in the West, my opinion can only be one. Yes, it is right to ban the burka in public places. Even considering that fundamentalism often increases in their immigration status, used as a tool to protect and strengthen the identity, threatened by cultural contamination.
E 'right that a woman should veil themselves. Or should cover, partly because it is considered that the habit of walking around without anything on his head is not there. But I do not think it is right that, once emigrated to a country where no one forces you to take it, should go out only with the burka. It 's a submission which, in my opinion, goes beyond any religious belief. Also because according to some current standards, the Koran does not name all the burka, but only the hijab.

As I veil when I go to Morocco, Iran, or Turkey, in some places, the woman must accept that there is not obligated to do so. And in some places the obligation is to the contrary.

This is the idea that I have done. Why I do not think that women want putting it, the burka. (Which, mind you, NOT 'COMPARABLE TO BURKINA! LI WE ARE ITALIAN, the intolerant and the League INDEED, THAT MAKE pills)

Here, cos' I think. Free to see her in another way.


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